Thursday, May 17, 2012

"The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory."-Unknown

This quote is funny, but it makes a lot of sense. When the person says it's unfamiliar territory, they mean that a lot of people don't think before they do or say things. Usually, the not thinking causes a lot of conflict. 

Source:, 2010. Web. May 17, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The perfect man? I wish.

"While creating men, God promised women that a good and ideal man would be found in all corners of the world. He then made the earth round."-Unknown

I like this quote even though I don't believe in God. It shows that there is no ideal man in this world. As much as every woman wants to believe there is, and squanders life searching for him, he does not exist. However, there may be a man in a woman's life and she may think he's perfect but in reality, he has flaws. Therefore, he cannot be perfect. I mean, just look at that beautiful picture (below) of teen heartthrob Harry Styles. He's got perfect blue-green eyes, perfect beautiful curly hair, perfect lips, perfect chiseled abs...I could go on for days. Anyways, despite all that stuff, Harry has flaws. So he's not perfect.

Source:, 2006. Web. May 15, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

from "Walden"-Henry David Thoreau

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."-Henry David Thoreau

At first, I was confused by this line because he said he wished to live "deliberately." I thought and thought and wondered what Thoreau could possibly mean by that. I came to the conclusion that Thoreau meant that he wanted to live his life purposefully. When he says, "and not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived" it makes me realize that going to the woods was his way of living.

Source: Thoreau, Henry David. "Walden" 1854 Web. May 14, 2012

"I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now."-Edna Mode (The Incredibles)

If you're constantly bringing up the past, you're not fully focused on the present. The past already happened and you can't change it, so there is no use in dwelling on it. Edna Mode has the right idea in focusing on the present rather than living in the past.

Source: Mode, Edna. The Incredibles, 2004. Web. May 14, 2012

"The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up."-Timothy Mouse (Dumbo)

I think when Timothy Mouse made this statement, he was referring to Dumbo's large ears, but he probably had no idea how it relates to the real world. There are things in life that will hold you down, but those very things can as well be what makes you stronger. Who said Disney movies can't be inspirational?

Source: Timothy Mouse., 2010. Web. May 14, 2012

Brilliantly insane.

"You're mad, bonkers, off your head. But I'll tell you a secret; All the best people are."-Alice in Wonderland

What do Edgar Allan Poe and Einstein have in common? Could it be that they are both historically famous, brilliant people who were looked upon as crazy? The quote is true and represent these two men because even though society did not approve of them, they made major accomplishments in their life time and are now remembered for them.

Source: Alice. 2010. Web. May 14, 2012

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."-Walt Disney

Often people are too afraid to pursue their dreams for fear that they might fail. But how will we know if we never even try? Walt Disney's message here is that we have to at least try to achieve our dreams or we will live with regrets.

Source: Disney, Walt., 2001. Web. May 14, 2012